JR Kratos: The Advice Aron Stevens Gave Me Has Been Career-Changing

September 2024 · 2 minute read

JR Kratos holds Aron Stevens in high regard.

Andrew Thompson of POST Wrestling recently spoke with JR Kratos about his NWA World Tag Team Championship reign with Aron Stevens. The duo held the titles for 292 days, and Kratos said that run changed his whole career.

“I feel at the time, yes (myself & Aron Stevens got the most out of our NWA Tag Team Title reign). I think we did and then for me personally, just to do it every time I can, to give kudos to Aron. How much that man has literally changed my career. The knowledge he has kicked down to me and being able to have conversations with him,” Kratos explained, “and then the chance I had to actually work with him and to see it happen in the ring and to see it happen with the crowd and actually apply it in the ring and watch it work, it’s been career-changing for me so, as a talent and me, I think I got the most of it.

“Now, I get to hang out with him all the time so it’s like, you know, that’s great but, yeah, it was cool. It was weird how it happened and it fell on my lap and then we just had a great, great run. We did some cool, cool storylines and stuff like that but again,” Kratos noted, “Aron, he’s one of the greatest minds in professional wrestling hands down so I had the great opportunity to be alongside him so it was cool.”

Kratos also spoke about his excitement for NJPW STRONG Independence Day and said Rocky Romero does not get the credit he deserves for what he’s done with STRONG.

“We’re (NJPW STRONG) going to Japan here in a couple weeks. So that’s gonna be so dope. I was so excited when we got the news and to be able to go because, just to be honest, I’m just very humble because Japan fans,” Kratos said, “they’ve been hitting me up since STRONG started. ‘We can’t wait for you to come. We can’t wait for you to come’ so to know that there’s fans out there waiting for myself and Team Filthy to go and just do our thing, that they were able to see and Rocky (Romero) gave us a platform to do that on and now to be able to take it to Japan, bro, that’s a dream come true for me and it’s gonna be cool. I’m ecstatic. I can’t wait. It’s gonna be dope.”
