Bill Murray, Gal Gadot, and more top the list of beloved actors that you cant stand

September 2024 · 4 minute read

Just because you make millions and are loved by millions doesn’t mean you’re a good person. We all know of several beloved celebrities (Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, that pervert guy from Seventh Heaven) that are no longer beloved. But what about actors who haven’t done anything egregious? Can’t we hate them too? A new Reddit list is answering that very question.

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Over on r/movies, an intrepid non-Bill Murray fan dangled a tantalizing question. What beloved actor do you hate?

Here’s what they said about Murray, by the way:

“His characters are always an ignorant asshole who respects no one else’s boundaries. Ghostbusters is a great example. I enjoy Scrooge at points and What About Bob but 90% of those movies he’s still ignoring boundaries or being a dick. Even Groundhog Day he’s a horrible human. I get he’s supposed to be the heel with a turn but damn it’s grating.”

Personally, I think he’s describing the very reason people love Murray but what do I know? Of course, the actor has been taking some hits in the PR department ever since that movie he was on got mysteriously shut down.

After the Reddit user’s hot take, the floodgates opened. This is fun! Who’s next?

“Can’t stand Kevin Hart. Not funny at all,” one user said. Here’s another Hart one: “I’ve listened to a few Kevin Hart podcast interviews and guy just moans the whole time. They’re supposed to be entertaining.”

Others pointed out Hart’s podcast Comedy Gold Minds where Bill Burr rips into him the whole time. It’s so funny. You can listen to that here.

This one is probably less controversial: “Dwayne Johnson, has only one type of character he can play: himself, and no range whatsoever.”

Of course, no one is expecting Johnson to win an Oscar. Going after his bad acting is kind of boring. It’s more fun to go after his ego, like how he shoehorned Black Adam into being a thing and tried to take over the DC but failed miserably at both.

Here’s one this author agrees with: “Gal Gadot couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag.” How this robot woman who has the range of a deaf dog is a popular actress is beyond me. Literally nothing about her is likable, and as evidenced by her dumb Covid song.

There’s also some political stuff with her but I’m not going to get into that. You have Google. In case anyone was wondering about her acting skills, someone posted this. It’s from Death on the Nile, by the way. Cringe city!

Next actor: “Mark [Wahlberg] same dude every fookin’ movie that’s sh*t is not acting.” I don’t necessarily agree with the sentiment but this person is kind of right. When does Wahlberg not play Wahlberg? It’s fine. Also, The Other Guys is a bonafide American classic.

Someone else made a good point. “Mark Wahlberg really isn’t a beloved actor though.”

Here’s two more: “Julia Roberts for me. I have no idea what it is she’s done wrong to me, but she sets my teeth on edge. Also Hugh Jackman. NO ONE is that perfect. I see you Jackman.”

People seemed to take umbrage with this Jackman stuff. “I heard that Hugh Jackman once left the toilet seat up. He said it was on accident, but to me, it just sounds like he’s refusing to be held accountable,” one commenter said.

“I heard Hugh Jackman once pulled an old woman out of a burning car, but he didn’t even try to save her CD collection. Those were worth at least tens of dollars, and he could’ve tried a little harder, you know?” another said.

Alright, Jackson is a stretch. He’s hard to not like.

Here’s one that everyone knew was coming: “Chris Pratt, he was fun in Parks and Rec and he is okay as Star Lord, but he is just a one note actor. It’s just Chris Pratt playing Chris Pratt as Chris Pratt. Dude has no actual range in his characterizations and can’t do anything beyond playing the sassy macho guy.”

The main contention with these actors is that they play the same character in every movie. Not everyone can be Paul Giamatti you know. And even he plays the same guy all the time, just better.

Who are we missing?
